The Three Principles of the Metaverse (2064)
In 2064, Russia and Japan had become the world's leading metaverse technology powers, providing unlimited digital twin space for human development. On the other hand, the Hyper-Realistic Metaverse technology of Heaven Island brought new problems - an unregulated dark metaverse without any limitations.
Some human beings are no longer able to live in the real world. They are immersed in the borderless dark metaverse, and can no longer distinguish between the real and the illusory world.
Some countries, led by the United States and China, began to sense the danger and enacted related policies in 2063, establishing legal rules for special behaviors that could occur only in the metaverse and building a digital high frontier connected to the Hyper-Realistic Metaverse of Heaven Island to protect the safety of human players.
Some countries headed by the United States and China began to smell the danger, and in 2063, they introduced relevant policies one after another, formulated laws and regulations for special behaviors that could only happen in the Metaverse. and built A digital high frontier between the real world and Hyper-Realistic Metaverse of Heaven Island, legislated to keep human players safe.
In 2064, the designer of the metaverse digital high frontier theory, WING LEE, first proposed the "Three Principles of the Metaverse":
【Three Principles of the Metaverse】
Principle One: WHO AM I - Players should be able to understand in real time that they are in the metaverse.
Principle Two: WHERE AM I - Players should be able to freely exit the metaverse environment and return to the real world unconditionally.
Principle Three: ACT AS IN THE REALWORLD - Players must not directly or indirectly harm themselves or others in the real world while in the metaverse environment.