The first appearance of Shu-Mount
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In the darkness of the night, a long sigh from General Ran came from the camp: "The kindness of women can ruin my plan to kill Hu peoples, Mr. Bai doesn't need to discuss anymore, please go your land..." The scholar stood silently and stopped talking. After a while, he bowed down and bowed slowly to withdraw from the tent of the commander-in-chief of Xishu.
The scholar in white turned his head to look at the moonlight and thought for a moment. He walked to the stables and pulled out the saddle of a black fast horse. He said hello to the guard camp, and riding the fast horse ran towards the foot of Wawu Mountain.
Tonight, the moon is like silver, and one person and one horse are running very fast like lightning. It didn’t take long before they came to a huge rock wall at the foot of Wawu Mountain. The horse stopped, and the white figure jumped up from the horse’s back and followed the rock wall. Climbing up the gap, after a while, I saw Bai Ying crawling to a faint black crack high on the rock wall, stopped for a while, and suddenly disappeared.
This is a natural cave with a very narrow opening. The scholar in white slowly moved forward 3 to 4 meters, suddenly his feet loosened, and his body fell forward into a huge oval-shaped stone room. The scholar took advantage of the situation and slid to the center of the stone room in the dark and slowly stood firm. After stopping for a while, his eyes saw a clump of green fluorescence slowly emerging from the middle of the stone room. He walked to the fluorescent and sat down slowly, staring silently at the green fluorescence. A black square could be vaguely seen under the light, with one corner up, the rest submerged into the ground, and there were vaguely raised runes on the surface of the square.
The scholar looked at it silently, thinking that could not stop the army from going to Wawu Ancient Town to replenish military supplies and soldiers tomorrow, and he couldn't help but feel anxious. Wawu Town was a place where he was taken in when he was young, and now it would be destroyed by war. In the irritability, the scholar couldn't help but gently touched the green fluorescent cube.
thinking that this black iron block had no idea what it was, it was hard and heavy, and maybe it was a treasure. The scholar hugged the side of the cube with his hands and force, trying to test whether it could be loosened, but suddenly felt a tingling pain in the palm of his hand, as if it was cut by the raised rune edges corners on the cube, and a warm current gushed out from the palm of his hand, and quickly let go
The scholar raised his hand and sniffed the palm of his hand, smelling the strong smell of blood. Knowing to have been scratched and bleeding. He flicked his hand and was talking about bad luck, and suddenly felt something strange, as if something was touching with the blood thrown from his palm, like wind and fine silk. In a trance, the scholar seemed to see black cube in green fluorescence. Like a black cloak swelled up, a thick black mist that couldn't be melted suddenly erupted like explosive spore threads.
no time to step back, he felt countless black lines drilled in from the palm wound, nose, ears... The scholar shouted with fear in his heart, but he didn't hear the slightest sound from himself. He only felt that countless black lines had penetrated into his mouth, and he couldn't bite or stop it. The whole body is like a trillion tiny steel needles that lead transparent nano-filaments to weave through the blood vessels, muscles, bone marrow, and brain. The body suddenly lost consciousness with severe pain and fainted...
不远处的西蜀大营传来阵阵阵骚动,众多的军士将领聚集在一起,望向不远处烟气蒸腾发出巨震的瓦屋山,惊魂不定议论纷纷;只有旁里的一位老先生望着远处升腾而起的巨大山体,一屁股坐下,嘴里缓缓念叨 "蜀山已现、汉室必兴"....
远远望去,漂浮一片仙山,细数总共十座仙山,九座浮空的小山体环绕着一座高耸的巨型方块仙山。 那一座方形山峰,宛如一尊定海昆仑,散发着冲天剑意,在山之上弥漫着一道道剑气,有着剑意环绕,风过瑟瑟而鸣。
立刻下意识的想问道:“你是誰,怎知我叫白眉,这里到底是什么地方....”, 话音还没出口,脑子里又传来了高音符:“说来话长,简单点说,我是龙胶囊平顶头,按地球话讲,算是你的守护神,你的身体被我征用了,不过你也不吃亏,我的身体和能耐都很大,你也可以拿来用,哈哈哈。。。”
话音刚落 ,四周开始变暗,幻化成一片无边无际黑暗和沉寂的虚空,白眉感觉自己缓缓的旋转起来,慢慢的向下坠落,不停的坠向宇宙的最深处 ,下坠的速度愈来愈快,无边无际的黑暗之中,远方的银河星系扑面而来,一瞬间极其璀璨的超新星大爆炸忽然在前方绽放开来.........
不知道何为时间、何为宇宙、何为星系..... 白眉感觉自己像一粒星尘,漂浮在无边的暗黑虚空之中,又像一尾银色的小鱼儿,在亿万年的时光里飞速的穿行着,无数生命的影像从眼前一闪而过,无穷多的概念在头脑中爆炸,多维平行宇宙空间中百万年的争斗史一晃而过,神龙文明的坠落就在刹那间发生,庞大的曲率飞船划过太阳系地球轨道的边缘,无数巨大的方块状龙胶囊带着火焰从天而降,坠落到地球各处,大地上漫游的恐龙迎来了灭顶之灾,火山在刹那间爆发, 原始人类开始在草原上直立行走,手里握着第一件打磨过燧石刀工具........